What's The Top New Year's Resolution For 2024?


new survey from Forbes Health/OnePoll of 1,000 U.S. adults found that the most commonly selected New Year’s resolution for 2024 among respondents is… fitness! While that’s great, the survey also found that the average resolution lasts just 3.74 months. That probably explains why your local gym is standing room only on January 2nd and half empty come March.  According to Forbes, “Failing at New Year’s resolutions is so common that there’s even a slew of (unofficial) dates commemorating such failures— some sources cite “Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day” as January 17 while others denote the second Friday in January as “Quitter’s Day.”

While there’s some humor here, there are also some sobering realities. The quitting early rate suggests that many of us are either setting unrealistic expectations, giving up when things get hard (as they inevitably will), or lacking the strategies necessary to stay on track.

Part of the problem, according to VeryWellMind, may be that we do not know how to keep New Year's resolutions, despite our good intentions. If you find yourself in this situation, here are a few things you can do:

Choose a Specific Goal:  choose a concrete, achievable goal that allows you to define and measure your progress. Reframe “I will get more exercise” into “I will walk 2 miles three times each week”.

Limit Your Resolutions: resist the temptation to spread yourself too thin over a long list of changes you want to make.  Pick one or two.   

Put Time Into Planning: start by writing down your goal, making a list of things you might do to achieve that goal, and noting any obstacles that might stand in your way. By knowing exactly what you want to accomplish and the difficulties you might face, you'll be better prepared to stick to your resolution and overcome anything that might sidetrack you.

Start With Small Steps: Taking on too much too quickly is a common reason why so many New Year's resolutions fail. Instead, focus on taking tiny steps that will ultimately help you reach your larger goal.

Avoid Repeating Past Failures: Another strategy for keeping your New Year's resolution is to not make the same resolution year after year. 

Remember That Change Is a Process: Those unhealthy or undesired habits that you are trying to change probably took years to develop, so how can you expect to change them in just a matter of days, weeks, or months? Be patient with yourself. Understand that working toward your resolution is a process. Even if you make a misstep or two, you can restart and continue on your journey towards your goal.

Get Support: Camaraderie makes sticking to your resolution more fun, too. So, ideally, find a like-minded pal or loved one to join you in your goal.

Renew Your Motivation: When you face tough moments, remind yourself exactly why you are doing this. Think about what you have to gain by achieving your goal. Finding sources of inspiration can keep you going when times get tough.

Keep Working on Your Goals: By March, many people have lost that initial spark of motivation that they had in January. Keep that inspiration alive by continuing to work on your goals, even after facing setbacks. If your current approach is not working, reevaluate your strategies, and develop a new plan. Being flexible with your plan—and even your end goal—will help you be successful.

Learn and Adapt: Encountering a setback is one of the most common reasons why people give up on their New Year's resolutions. If you suddenly relapse, don't view it as a failure. The path toward your goal is not always a straight one, and there will often be challenges along the way. Instead, view relapses as learning opportunities.

We at Prickly Pear Sports are thrilled to know that fitness is the most commonly selected New Year’s Resolution for 2024. If you plan to improve your fitness this coming year, but you’re worried that your leaky bladder is a barrier to getting started, we can help.  Our fitness apparel is designed to absorb, hold, and conceal bladder leaks so you can walk those weekly miles, train for your first 5K, and go all out in yoga class – whatever it is that you want to accomplish. You’ll gain confidence, stay motivated, and look great in the process. Imagine just how good you’ll feel this time next year when you’ve reached your goals.  Go you!






Kim Pierpoint